About Teyra
Jon Blickwede formed Teyra GeoConsulting LLC in 2017, after retiring from a 35-year career as an exploration geologist, mostly with major oil & gas companies. Blickwede cut his teeth as a junior field geologist in Mexico, where he had a summer job during 1974 in the silver mining district around Real de Catorce, San Luis Potosí State during his undergrad years, and later performed field work for his M.Sc. thesis on the pre-salt continental redbeds and volcanics of the Nazas Formation in the Sierra de San Julián of Zacatecas State, Mexico. The name of his company comes from the dominant mountain peak in his thesis area, Pico de Teyra (the peak seen in the distance in the photo at right).
After graduating from Tufts University with a B.S. in Geology in 1977, Blickwede went to work for the U.S. Geological Survey in Golden, Colorado before going back to school (University of New Orleans) to obtain his M.Sc. in Geology. He started his career as a petroleum explorationist in 1981 with Amoco Corporation (now BP), and remained with them for 16 years, working projects in the circum-Gulf of Mexico/Caribbean region as well as the Far East. Subsequently, he worked with Petroconsultants (now IHS Markit) in Geneva, Switzerland, Unocal (now Chevron) in Sugarland, Texas, and Statoil (now Equinor) in Houston.
Apart from his Teyra-related activities, Blickwede serves as a docent at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.

Research Interests
Regional geology of the Circum-Gulf of Mexico/Caribbean
MSc Earth Science 1981
University of New Orleans
Early Mesozoic geologic evolution of the Gulf of Mexico
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology
Creating virtual outcrops and virtual field trips using high-resolution drone imagery integrated with other geospatial data
B.S. Geology 1977
Tufts University